Tantra is an ancient spiritual path from the East. Some say it's more than 7000 years old. Because it's one of the world's oldest forms of personal Eastern spirituality, it holds many things sacred that the modern world doesn't normally connect with spirit.

Like sex, for example.

Because Tantra uses sexual energy as the fuel to transform consciousness, some think it's only about a kind of sex many call Tantric Sex. It's true that a major part of Tantra is sacred sexuality, yes. But it's about much much more.

Which is why you've visited our What Is Supreme Bliss Tantra Online Guided Tour, right? Thanks for stopping by the tour's introduction page. Tantra At Tahoe is Jeffre and Somraj and we specialize in teaching our brand of spirituality and sacred sex which we call Supreme Bliss Tantra. Which is all about experiencing and enjoying sex, love, and life to the fullest in every moment.

We invite you to cycle through our Tantric web journey by clicking the continue button at the bottom right of each page after you're done with it. Or if you prefer, you can use the listings at the right that allow you to jump to whatever turns you on.

You see, getting turned on is central to Tantra. Sorry, we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves there. More about that soon.

The next couple of pages describe what's coming later in the tour so you can put it all together sensibly. We hope surfing or studying the information you absorb will open your mind to another way of approaching the pivotal parts of life. In Tantra, that occurs by merging body, mind, emotions, and soul.

Supreme Bliss Tantra has certainly changed our lives dramatically. Now our days are filled with so much fun and joy and meaning. Oh, yes, and our nights, too.

We've created these pages to share these wonderful feelings and lessons with people just like you. Which is why we write ebooks, offer DVDs, videos, & adult products, conduct brief teleseminars, plus train singles and couples in person who want to learn Tantra to have better sex and improve their lives. We hope you decide that you're one of us.

We don't do many public Tantra group workshops so you won't find a schedule on our site. We do offer Private Tantra Workshops which you can read about here. If you're interested in other ways to discover Supreme Bliss Tantra for yourselves, read our advice here.

Remember, click the continue button at the bottom right to cycle through the What Is Supreme Bliss Tantra Online Guided Tour pages. If you click continue you'll go to the Tour Overview page. Or use the menu at the right to go to whatever turns you on.

Enjoy the trip.

Learn Supreme Bliss Tantra to improve your sex life

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