A sweet Valentine’s Day sentiment from our friend Stuart Schreiber…
On this festive day of swelling romance
I recognize somewhere deep in my pants
An organ used when loving long
Sometimes a lingam; off-times a dong…
Oh my wand I love you so
Whether standing up or hanging low
You represent what’s right in life
Made for pleasure, not for strife
This penis here I hold so dear
To let it go would seem so queer
For as in marriage, “to have and hold”
Should the dollar crash, will be my gold (hehehe)
Clearly a member of the team
A hallucination? No, more a dream
Of pleasant passion yet to come
A lover knocks who must have some
And so I pledge to all my friends
This lingam loves to set the trends
Of how to love and where and when
His Stuness’s room or in the den…
I see this song is getting lengthy
Somewhat vulgar but not dainty
I hope your day is filled with joy
Avoid Estrogen, don’t eat soy.