A Rousing Dialogue

We welcome anyone and everyone to our new TantraAtTahoe.com Orgasmic Sex Discussion Board.

We’re hoping to start a rousing dialogue about our sex lives. Of course, most people are pretty shy about sharing what they do in bed. Or what was done to them. But why not extend honesty and transparency where all lovers need it most? Being open about desire, turn-on, and all kinds of sex acts, though not commonplace, is a much healthier way to be. Those who engage consciously get more excited, have more better orgasms, and become way better lovers. And you can be anonymous here, right? (Except for us, because we’re real.) So let’s all be straight and explicit about what pleasure we give to ourselves and each other. With mutual consent, all kinds of sex are fun. And don’t leave out your dreams and fantasies.

Here’s my first little post…

I had a dream last night about an ex-lover who snubbed me the last time I saw her at sexuality conference. We’ve had some great marathon sex sessions in years past and I’d love more. But she’s too busy looking for Mr. Right I think. Anyway, in the dream she was coming on to me and I was jazzed (not jizzed). We were looking for a place to do it and then, damn, I woke up. With any luck we’ll make love in my dreams tonight and I’ll let you know the juicy bits tomorrow. But I’ve got a hot date with my wife tonight and I might crash and sleep like a rock. Either way, it’s all good, right?

Love, Somraj

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