Better sex videos and DVDs are something we encourage you to enjoy. Which is why we have a page dedicated to our favorites and recommendations here.
Some words of caution about better sex videos. As our ebooks continually reiterate, Tantric Sex is better sex because it doesn't compete with what sells porn videos. Tantric Sex is different as our page on Better Sex Tips explains.
The average purportedly better sex video seems to follow the routine of little intimacy and lots of lust. Little communication and lots of ripped off clothes. Little person-to-person contact before there's lots of genital-to-genital contact.
We have no problem (and often enjoy) the standard sequence of exchanging oral sex and then plunging into intercourse for a while, ending in a wet explosion. We don't find many better sex videos following the Tantric Sex pattern of no pattern at all.
A better sex video using Tantra would include a lot of intimate communication, exotic moods, erotic talk, endless loveplay, equal responsibility by both lovers, and shifting from position to position and action to action. Intercourse might happen eventually or it might not. When it does, it's not always the end of the better sex video.
But the main aspect of a Tantric better sex video would be the intense pleasure, incredible climaxes, and continuing orgasms that sweep over both lovers again and again. We admit it's hard for a better sex video to show the waves of orgasmic energy surging inside. Maybe that's why we're continuously searching for more and more Tantric better sex videos.
In the meantime, we can recommend some of the hottest stars and best educational footage on our better sex video page here.