Want a picture of G-Spot, whether male or female? The closest you can get to actually see the woman G Spot is on the last two pages in our Free Online Guided Female Ejaculation Tour which starts HERE.
It's even harder to see the Man G Spot which is the prostate gland buried deep inside the pelvis. Our ebook, Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm, includes charts and detailed descriptions so you'll understand how to picture the G Spot. More details HERE.
If you don't have in your mind a picture of G-Spot, do the names prostate, Skene's glands, or sacred spot help you find it? If you can't form a picture of G-Spot, will you still be able to understand it, respect it, and treat it properly?
To help you form a working picture of G-Spot, we call it the Sacred Gate. Our choice is partly because all of sex is sacred to a Tantrika (a Tantra adept) and partly because it truly opens the door to profound love, deep emotional intimacy, and sexual ecstasy.
The role of sex and sexual energy in fueling personal transformation is where the sacred, spiritual aspect comes in. Our picture of G-Spot includes respect, honor, even awe. If this interests you, we invite you to take our free guided tour of Tantra when you're done with this tour by clicking here.
Because of the divine quality we ascribe to sexuality in Tantra, we prefer the term "sacred" for the G-Spot. Why did we choose "gate" over the other descriptions?
The picture of G-Spot that we get from the term Sacred Gate reminds us that the erectile tissue of the female prostate is a portal to sensational sexual pleasure, deep intimacy, lasting connection, and Supreme Bliss.
That, of course, defines our brand of Tantra, namely Supreme Bliss Tantra. Supreme Bliss is the zenith of sexual ecstasy which transforms orgasmic energy into expanded consciousness. Of course, there's lots more about this in our free Tantra Guided Tour here.
The Sacred Gate contains the power to unleash hidden emotions, generate deep orgasms, and trigger ejaculation when aroused enough. Isn't any one of these enough reason for a little fun practice and a life-changing journey? We think so.
If it's been known for so long and so powerful, where does all the controversy about different people's picture of G-Spot come from? Click continue to find out.