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September 5 - 7, 2008 Sedona, Arizona
Presented By Dr. Jeffre TallTrees & Somraj Pokras
Our Shaman Tantra Workshop will guide you on a heart-centered journey to spiritual wholeness via Tantra, the ancient art of sacred sexuality, and the indigenous energy medicine tools of the modern Shaman. You will experience individual transformation through shamanic cleansing and Tantric healing that raise consciousness on the path to ecstasy. This weekend training is specially designed for singles and couples who already have some experience with energy-based personal growth work.
This is an experiential workshop based on both solo and partner practices. What makes it unique is our use of shamanic tools to clearly identify what you need at each step, provide breakthrough healing processes, and focus your practice for the fastest possible progress. Shaman Tantra helps you navigate your personal journey in order to make your love life, sex life, and spiritual life everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
Tantric Energy Tools
Tantra teaches the mastery of kundalini life-force energy. This allows you to transform your life at multiple levels of body, mind, and spirit, creating a life of supreme bliss, in total communion with all that is.
In this more-doing less-talking workshop, we’ll teach you Tantric tools to open your orgasmic energy circuits to channel kundalini energy into expanded awareness. We’ll show you how to use your breath, sounds, movements, senses, meditation, and consciousness to sensitize, amplify, expand, and direct your kundalini in whatever direction you choose.
On the way, you’ll deepen love, awaken intimacy, extend lovemaking, and create continuous full-body mind-altering Tantric Orgasms for the happiest, healthiest sex life you can imagine.
Shaman Tantra
Have you experienced great highs from sexual or spiritual practice, or just from life, that erode quickly? It seems we all inherit taboos, inhibitions, and false beliefs that limit our personal power and ability to flow through life with joy. How can you make your personal journey to wholeness more consistent? Our answer is adding shamanic energy medicine to Tantra.
Many indigenous cultures were guided by shamans -- medicine men and women -- who were able to bridge the gap between different worlds and mediate between the material and spirit realms to facilitate healing and growth. In our Shaman Tantra Workshop, you’ll experience some of these techniques that dramatically accelerate your journey to spiritual wholeness by releasing energy cords tying you to the past.
Walk In Harmony, Joy, And Bliss
Energy medicine has been described as the fast track to health and wholeness, because it works with energy fields that bypass the realms of words and thoughts, rapidly getting to the heart of the matter. Tantra is do-it-yourself practice. Shaman Tantra guides your practice so you can get the most out of your effort in the shortest time.
In this fun, lively workshop, you’ll get in touch with your inner passionate self so you can walk in the outer world in harmony and joy. Shaman Tantra’s unique gift is being able to bring the inner bliss from Tantric energy mastery into living fully in the world. The Shaman’s tools, tied to ecstatic Tantric practice, can launch you into your desired future where you can be, do, and have everything you desire. Then you can find ecstasy in a sunset, prayer in a kiss, and divine bliss in a sexual encounter.
Private Tantric & Shamanic Healing Sessions
Private Shamanic Energy Medicine, Spiritual BodyWork, and Tantric Sexual Healing sessions can dramatically accelerate your journey to wholeness.
Tantra Shamans can clearly read your energy field to track what’s blocking your progress. These personalized interventions can then unstick you with such potent tools as chakra cleansing, pelvic armoring release, entity extraction, and soul retrieval journeys.
Your workshop leaders will be available for these revolutionary private sessions before and after the workshop on a first-come first-served basis.
Who Is This Workshop Intended For?
This workshop is ideal for new and long-term couples attending together. Gay and lesbian couples and singles are encouraged to join as well.
- Singles are welcome as long as we maintain a balance of genders and sexual preferences. On a first-come first-serve basis, we will approve solo registrations that balance another appropriate registration. Neither will be under any obligation to do practice together.
- This is a clothing-optional workshop. Though some practices are sensual and erotic, you always have the choice to set your own boundaries and only do what you’re comfortable with.
- You will make the most progress from this workshop if you’ve already done a Tantra or Shamanic workshop or private session. If you’re interested but unsure, please email or call (530) 587-1333 to discuss it.
- We will welcome a limited number of Tantric and Shamanic practitioners who are interested in helping us blend these two disciplines at a steep discount.
- If you have any interest at all, please let us know as soon as possible since we strictly limit attendance so that everyone has free access to the workshop leaders.
Workshop Costs
- $375 per person or $695 per couple before August 20.
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- After August 20, $500 per person or $900 per couple.
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- Tantric and Shamanic practitioners may be accepted at $200 per person. Please contact Jeffre via email or call (530) 587-1333 to discuss it.
- 1 to 3 hour sessions private sessions will be offered by your workshop leaders several days before the workshop for $100 per hour. Register online here for Private Sessions using this generic page. During checkout, please use the Special Order Instructions, Comments, & Feedback box to specify what kind of session you're interested in.
- You can register for workshops or sessions by telephone by calling (530) 587-1333. Click here for Other Ways To Pay if you don't want to use a credit card online.
- Travel, meals, and lodging are not included. Preferred convenient accommodations are available on- site at the workshop location in Sedona, Arizona.
Workshop Leaders
Jeffre TallTrees Ph.D. has been in the forefront of holistic healing for decades. Disillusionment with allopathic medicine after receiving her B.S. in Nursing from UCLA put her on the path of alternative medicine. She received her Ph.D. in psychology and immediately opened a holistic health center experimenting with many modalities.
After a lengthy career in private practice, Dr. TallTrees began her journey into Tantra and shamanic healing practices at the same time. She has been a Tantra Teacher for 15 years, combining her multiple talents as an author, a columnist, a psychologist, and an Andean (Inka) shaman. Dr. TallTrees and her beloved Somraj founded the Academy of Supreme Bliss Tantra, as part of Together they have co-authored three ebooks about Tantric Sex. Dr. TallTrees has also co-authored Deeper Love, Hotter Sex, a practical guide to hot sex and deep intimacy for committed couples.
She is currently a senior staff member and lead teacher with the international shamanic Healing The Light Body School which is part of the Four Winds Society founded by Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. In addition to giving Shaman Tantra workshops, Dr. TallTrees offers private sessions in Tantric and shamanic healing.
Somraj is a prolific author, certified bodyworker, Tantric mentor, and workshop leader. He's been a coach, teacher, and personal growth facilitator for tens of thousands of people for over three decades. In previous incarnations, Somraj was an organic chemist, a multi-national corporate trainer, and a Fortune 500 management consultant before he and Jeffre created in 1998.
Somraj has written 10 books, hundreds of articles, and countless how-to manuals about Supreme Bliss Tantra, people skills, and team-building. He's a private pilot, avid skier, rockhound, mountain bike rider, passionate music lover, website designer, football fan, and worshipper of the Goddess. Somraj derives great joy from assisting others in releasing sexual inhibitions that block their pleasure so they can become all they can be and thoroughly enjoy all parts of life.