Private Tantric Sex Workshops

These Private Tantric Sex Workshops we offer in Tantra At Tahoe's academy school are described below....

Private Tantric Sex Workshops


Tantric Sensual Massage Workshop

Tantric Sex is a uniquely powerful way of enjoying sexual pleasure by heightening lovers sensitivity to energy. The foundation of this kind of ecstatic loveplay is Tantric touch, a slow and sensuous form of massage which barely touches skin while awakening the subtle electromagnetic circuits of both partners. In our Tantric Sensual Massage Workshop we first show givers how to ever-so-gently flow orgasmic energy through their fingers. As we extend this electrifying kind of caress to different areas of the body, we study how different strokes and speeds activate different electrifying flows in the receiver’s body. The receiver learns how to feel, respond, and gently guide their partner to give them the most exciting experience while the giver learns to read subtle clues and gracefully follow clear-cut directions. Additionally, we teach the receiver of a sensual massage how to open their energy channels and expand pleasure from the slightest stimulation. Register for one day for either male or female sensual massage, or two to three days for both. Once lovers can circle sexual energy back and forth with sensuous touch alone, in subsequent days we turn our attention to the most erogenous of zones in each lover’s body, including content and practices from our Erotic Jewel (Vagina & Penis) Massage Workshops below.
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Erotic Jewel (Vagina & Penis) Massage Workshop

In Supreme Bliss Tantra we use the ancient names for the jewels (genitals) to avoid dirty connotations and convey respect. Our Erotic Jewel Massage Workshop is based on the Tantric Attitude that sexual pleasure is a divine gift, and thus the jewels are at all times to be honored. As we examine the outer and inner anatomy of yoni (vagina) during one day of this workshop, we learn to appreciate what each part of her sacred landscape prefers. We study how to approach, how to awaken, and how to enter yoni with fingers using different strokes, speeds, pressures, and sequences. We give special attention to the most sensitive of all human tissues, clio (clitoris). During the vajra (penis) version of this workshop, we focus on pleasuring his jewels in much the same way. We start with anatomy, strokes, speeds, pressures, and sequences using one and two hands. The workshop for him includes techniques for soft and hard erections as well as delightful ways to titillate the devamani (testicles). Register for a one-day workshop to practice with either yoni or vajra massage, two days for both. To incorporate Tantric energy practices which dramatically heighten sensitivity and orgasmic response, register for 3 days to include our Tantric Sensual Massage Workshop, or more days to include G-Spot massage, oral sex, anal play, or other Tantric Sex subjects.
Please click HERE to register.

Tantric Self-Pleasuring Workshop

Self PleasuringOur Tantric Self-Pleasuring Workshop closely resembles our Erotic Jewel (Vagina & Penis) Massage Workshops, except for the fact that the topic is solo sex. In Supreme Bliss Tantra we celebrate giving oneself pleasure, especially, when, as this workshop teaches, you do this in sacred space as a ritual of self-love. What’s unique about our Tantric Self-Pleasuring Workshop is its emphasis on generating and circulating orgasmic energy at higher and higher peaks to reach higher states of ecstasy and altered states of consciousness. Singles can register for one day for minimum techniques and two or more days to include Tantric energetics and added Tantric Sex techniques including, for example, G-Spot, anal, and sex toy play. Couples are welcome to register for at least two days to enjoy the celestial joys of mutual masturbation.
Please click HERE to register.

Unlimited Sexual Stamina Without Premature Ejaculation Workshop

You can extend your sexual stamina to make love all night if you learn the natural, permanent Tantric method of overcoming premature ejaculation. What exactly is premature ejaculation? In Supreme Bliss Tantra that means coming before you choose, before you've shared as much pleasure and as many cosmic orgasms as you choose. The first day of this Unlimited Sexual Stamina Without Premature Ejaculation Workshop concentrates on solo self-pleasuring and energy practices so a man becomes master of his own orgasms. Once he is able to separate orgasm from ejaculation, the second phase (which is equivalent to our Longer Lasting LoveMaking Workshop) involves his partner in erotic massage to help him learn to peak at high levels of pleasure without ejaculation and to enjoy dry orgasms. Couples learn that multiple orgasms and longer lovemaking depend on critical skills of coordination, communication, and collaboration between lovers. In subsequent workshop days, couples practice extending lovemaking and expanding sexual energy during intercourse.
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Her G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation Workshop

Her G-Spot, the secret orgasmic trigger named after the German physician Gräfenberg, isn't really as elusive as many lovers think it is. So this workshop begins with a thorough understanding of female anatomy, in and out. That's not a sly reference to sexual intercourse, but rather another vital principle in expanding a woman's sexual pleasure. In Her G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation Workshop, we'll show you how to sufficiently awaken her sexual organs so her G-Spot clearly emerges. Only then does she have access to deep, moving, powerful G-Spot orgasms. That's why we call it her Sacred Gate to supreme bliss. Once her Sacred Gate is open, this workshop will teach you how to touch, stroke, and massage her G-Spot to unheard of pinnacles. It's at that point that she can learn to unleash her Goddess nectar through female ejaculation. In multi-day versions of this workshop we'll show you how to use Supreme Bliss Tantra energy practices to dramatically heighten her pleasure from Sacred Gate lay and how to best reach it during sexual intercourse.
Please click HERE to register.

Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm Workshop

He also has a G-Spot, as much a Sacred Gate to supreme bliss as hers is. A man's G-Spot is his prostate gland, that chestnut-sized muscular organ buried deep in his pelvis that controls male pleasure, orgasm, and ecstasy. In a one-day version of this Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm Workshop we'll show you how to find it, massage it from the outside, and stroke it from the inside. That means through his anus, the best way to reach and pleasure his G-Spot. Once we show you how to stay clean and get past society's overly dramatic taboos about anal sex, his lover can give him, or he can give himself, amazingly powerful super orgasms. Further, you'll learn how he can give himself amazingly powerful super orgasms and how his lover can give him amazingly powerful super orgasms by hand or specially-designed male sex toys. Because the techniques of prostate massage aren't enough for most men, this Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm Workshop requires more than one day to be successful. In multi-day versions of this workshop, we'll teach him sexual healing practices to relax and open his pleasure channels. Then he'll learn to separate G-Spot and penis pleasure so he'll have access to male multiple orgasms. Once he grasps the basics, the development of his orgasm mastery rests largely on Supreme Bliss Tantra  energy practices.
Please click HERE to register.

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