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When you download our best-selling male sexual stamina ebook, you get our 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. Click here to learn to make love all night. |

We guarantee that the 65 step-by-step exercises in our complete 308-page Do-It-Yourself Tantra Ebook will teach you how to use the erotic power of sexual energy. Click here to merge love, sex, spirit tonight!


She can enjoy deeper, longer, stronger, multiple orgasms by awakening her secret orgasmic trigger. Click here to learn to give her (or yourself) amazing G-Spot orgasms through massage, toy play, and intercourse.

He can blow his mind with multiple orgasms by opening his hidden ecstasy trigger. Click here to learn to give him(or yourself) incredible G-Spot massage.

Together you can grow intimacy, love, and passion with our practical how-to guide for couples who want hotter sex and deeper connection. Click here for our better sex tips and sweeter relationship tools playbook. |

Save $45 when you download our complete 1282-page Do-It-Yourself Tantra Home Course program. Click here to improve your love life with the power of Spiritual Tantric Sex in the privacy of your own home. |
208 Kama Sutra Tantra Sex Positions
The Complete Illustrated Guide To The Ancient Love Guide's Postures For Maximizing Orgasmic Energy During The Sacred Sexual Union Of Intercourse
My fully-illustrated, no-holds-barred, XXX-picture Kama Sutra Tantra Sex Positions Ebook shows you 208 ways to enjoy Tantric sexual intercourse. Learn to use the 59 Kama Sutra sex positions to compensate for smaller or bigger organs, hit her secret orgasmic triggers, and create intense sexual ecstasy with a sweeter loving connection. Covers all 6 main lovemaking postures plus oral sex, anal sex, and group sex.
My fully-illustrated, no-holds-barred, XXX-picture ebook shows you 208 ways to enjoy Tantric sexual intercourse like never before. All 239 pages are based on how the Kama Sutra taught sex partners to create intense sexual ecstasy using its frank classification of genital sizes, lover personalities, and sexual techniques. With 268 color photographs, detailed diagrams, and beautiful artwork, my revolutionary, no-nonsense ebook shows multiple ways to enjoy each of the 6 main lovemaking postures, plus oral sex, anal sex, and group sex. You'll learn to adapt the basic 59 Kama Sutra sex positions to compensate for smaller or bigger sexual organs, use your hands on each other, hit her secret orgasmic triggers, maintain comfort for bodies of different size, and create mutual pleasure with a sweeter loving connection.
For more information and immediate download, click here:
Bring more variety into your sex lives using sexual positions in the Kama Sutra, the world's oldest guide to erotic lovemaking. Remember when a first kiss or subtle embrace made you hard or wet? Recapture that excitement by incorporating all new postures into your lovemaking.
208 Kama Sutra Tantra Sex Positions Ebook is my most revealing XXX-rated exposé of Tantric Sex. My fully-illustrated picture ebook is unique because it not only shows you new ways to enjoy intercourse, but how to use Tantric Sex maximize orgasmic energy.
In 10 chapters and 272 images, it graphically displays the ins and outs of how to...
- Make genital penetration feel better,
- Adjust for better body comfort,
- Hit her secret orgasmic triggers,
- Use your hands on your honey while making love.
Why is the Kama Sutra so famous? Is it that the definitive Eastern how-to sensuality guide didn't pull any punches? My 239-page ebook follows the no-holds-barred Indian love manuals lovemaking techniques. I've illustrated this no-nonsense advice about...
- Compensating for smaller or larger male organs,
- Targeting her inner erogenous zones, and
- Making physical connection sweeter and more loving.
With my 208 Kama Sutra Tantra Sex Positions Ebook you can enjoy sexual intercourse more than ever before by recapturing long-lost sensual pleasures. Step-by-step exercises and thought-provoking questions lead you through a series of X-rated experiments, some more intimate, some more fun, and some kinkier than you've ever tried before.
My ebook is such an easy, exciting, and private way to...
- Expand your sexual repertoire by imitating my graphic sexual images,
- Delight in exciting new sensations from new sex postures,
- Deepen your spiritual connection and relationship intimacy,
- Experiment with a whole new spectrum of eroticism,
- Explore new territory to reach new heights of sexual ecstasy,
- Revel in finding new sensual pleasures so you both enjoy sex more, and
- Have lots more fun together as you try out new, juicy, and exciting things in bed,.
With 272 color photographs, detailed diagrams, and beautiful artworks, my revolutionary 208 Kama Sutra Tantra Sex Positions Ebook shows multiple postures for each of the 6 main sexual positions...
- Man-On-Top,
- Woman-On-Top,
- Rear-Entry,
- Side-To-Side,
- Sitting, and
- Standing.
I leave nothing to chance or confusion by including color photographs of male and female genitals and detailed anatomy diagrams that show depth and angle of penetration.
My groundbreaking ebook illustrates and explains how to make each sexual position work best for your unique bodies. With pictures like you've never seen before, it clearly shows the pros and cons of each sex posture, including which ones...
- Are tighter and looser,
- Best hit her G-Spot,
- Help him maintain a hard erection,
- Allow super-sensitive guys to last longer,
- Make penetration deeper or shallower,
- Let you caress, nuzzle, kiss, and whisper endearments while thrusting.
I've built on the Kama Sutra shameless classification of genital sizes to show you how to...
- Best connect genitals of different sizes,
- Learn primal moves from the sex positions of animals,
- Maximize intimacy and emotional connection during sex,
- Cavort with intense pleasure in a myriad of sexual positions for the longest time,
- Best arrange your bodies for oral sex, anal sex, and group sex, and
- Find maximum pleasure in all the right places.
You won't find me apologizing about my frank, blunt, and straightforward writing style. But since my lovemaking style is Spiritual Sex, my directness is a form of honoring the divine power in each of us that love and sex bring forth.
My wife wants you to know how fantastic researching and writing this ebook has been for our sex life. Now you and your lover can be the beneficiaries of all our grueling experimentation. Enjoy some of our exciting new moves tonight!
P.S. All our ebooks and ecourses come with my personal 100% Money-Back GUARANTEE. So what have you got to lose?
For more information and immediate download, click here:
Supreme Bliss Tantra Guide To The Ecstasy Of Spiritual Sex
The definitive, richly-illustrated, do-it-yourself Tantra guide explains how to incorporate sacred sexuality into your love life with step-by-step instructions for merging heart and spirit with sex.
How To Use The Erotic Power of Sexual Energy To Merge Intimacy, Love, & Spirit
Our latest ebook is a rich, easy-to-follow, how-to guide that teaches the joys of Spiritual Sex so you can merge sex and spirit, make loveplay sacred, deepen your love and connection, and unleash your dormant passion to soar in awesome ecstasy. Though it's for Tantra beginners, many of the 101 exercises in our richly-illustrated lovemaking manual are great for lovers of all ages.
Our new ebook, "Supreme Bliss Tantra Guide To The Ecstasy Of Spiritual Sex," is a rich, easy-to-follow, how-to guide that you can use to teach yourself the joys of Spiritual Sex. Though it's designed for those who don't know much about Tantra, many of the 101 exercises in our richly-illustrated lovemaking manual are great for lovers of all ages.
"Supreme Bliss Tantra" teaches you how to merge sex and spirit, make loveplay sacred, deepen your love and connection, and unleash your dormant passion to soar in awesome ecstasy. It will open your eyes and senses to a completely new way to approach intimacy, sex, and life in general. With the Tantric Attitude, you'll find every sexual encounter will be fun, fresh, and exciting.
"Supreme Bliss Tantra" will help you open the floodgates of latent life forces locked away in your heart, your head, your genitals. When you begin to adopt the Tantric Attitude, you'll be able to reach divine passion using our directions about erotic massage, oral sex, and sexual intercourse.
For more information and immediate download, click here:

Ultimate Premature Ejaculation Mastery:
The Ecstatic Tantric Solution To Premature Ejaculation
The Ultimate Premature Ejaculation Mastery ebook gives explicit sex tips and teaches powerful exercises to last longer in bed naturally. 100% Guarantee!
Make Love For Hours With Unlimited Sexual Stamina
Learn to prevent premature ejaculation forever naturally with our best-selling ebook for men and their lovers, Ultimate Premature Ejaculation Mastery. It offers powerful exercises, explicit sex tips, and proven advice that explain the ultimate Tantric approach to making love for as long as your partner wants, while you experience more ecstasy than you ever imagined possible. And it comes with a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee!
How To Make Love For As Long As Your Partner Wants, While You Experience More Ecstasy Than You Ever Imagined Possible
With Somraj's ebook "Ultimate Premature Ejaculation Mastery," any man can learn to make love for hours, have multiple orgasms, and be the kind of lover women crave - sensitive, passionate, and with unlimited stamina. The 188-page how-to guidebook is based on ancient secrets men have used for thousands of years to prolong lovemaking, and is backed up by a thorough summary of modern sex research.
Does it really work? Well, we offer a 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee. And here's what Bryan from New Jersey wrote us: "I went from about 10 minutes to an hour and a half. But most importantly, I am now able to be 'in complete control', without the feelings of embarrassment and self-let down. By reading the book, it gave me the keys to opening my sexual doors and walking through them successfully."
This proven system teaches you how to separate orgasm from ejaculation so you can time your climaxes, and enjoy undreamed-of pleasure for as long as want. "Ultimate Premature Ejaculation Mastery" contains both solo and partner exercises for sexual muscle building that provide a simple, clear, easy-to-learn personal sex education program for you to become an Orgasm Master. The gradual, step-by-step, personal training method provides everything you need to easily personalize the program to fit your unique needs and permanently transform your love life forever.
"Ultimate Premature Ejaculation Mastery" is the ultimate solution to making love for as long as your partner wants, while you have more amazing pleasure than you ever imagined possible.
Click here for more details and instant download:

Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation:
Awakening Her Sacred Gate to Supreme Bliss
The complete Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation ebook gives step-by-step instructions to supercharge sex with deep multiple full-body orgasms opening channels to the delight of female ejaculation.
Enjoy Stellar Sexual Ecstasy & Deeper Love Connection With Our How-To Tantric Sex Manual For Women & Their Lovers
Here's the complete guidebook to supercharge your sexual play with Female Ejaculation and Tantric G-Spot Orgasms of incredible power and emotional sweetness. No longer will your or your lover's G-Spot be mysterious and elusive. Read our latest ebook to know exactly how to awaken it, find it, and touch it for supreme pleasure. With frank language, step-by-step instructions, real pictures, and clear charts, you'll learn how to excite the G-Spot with fingers, tongues, and sexual intercourse. Our new how-to sex manual guides you to expand your capacity for pleasure by giving and receiving the amazing ecstasy of Female Ejaculation. And it comes with a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee!
Our Complete How-To Guide Teaches Women's G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation
Our complete guidebook to women's Tantric G-Spot Orgasm and Female Ejaculation shows you both how to supercharge your sexual play with incredible power and emotional sweetness.
No longer will your or your lover's G-Spot be mysterious and elusive. Read our ebook to know exactly how to awaken it, find it, and touch it for supreme pleasure. With frank language, step-by-step instructions, real pictures, and clear charts, you'll learn how to excite the G-Spot with fingers, tongues, and sexual intercourse.
Our explicit how-to sex manual guides you to expand your capacity for pleasure by giving and receiving the amazing ecstasy of Female Ejaculation. Female ejaculation is real and any woman can learn it. How can you develop the knack of female ejaculation? Easy exciting exercises and the full story about female ejaculation -- from anatomy to arousal to awesome ecstasy -- are covered in our complete ebook "Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation."
Because learning female ejaculation is all about mastering the G-Spot, our subtitle is "Awakening Her Sacred Gate to Supreme Bliss." You see, the G-Spot truly is a portal to amazing sexual ecstasy. And it comes with a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee!
To download your copy right this minute or get more info, click here:

Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm:
Awakening His Sacred Gate To Supreme Bliss
Learn to give yourself or your man Tantric prostate massage for genital health and the ecstasy of multiple orgasms with explicit directions for hygienic anal sex play.
Now There's No Good Reason Why Men Can't Blow Their Minds With Multiple G-Spot Orgasms, Too
Men, learn to awaken your secret orgasmic trigger. Women, become every man's dream lover by learning how to give unlimited male multiple orgasms with our ebook about giving and receiving the ecstatic pleasure of male prostate massage. It's chock full of frank, accurate, detailed, up-to-date information and 49 graphic color photos and charts about male sexual anatomy. Our male G-Spot ebook includes 47 exciting solo and hands-on partner practices that will show you exactly how to find, excite, and create incredible pleasure from your own or your partner's G-Spot.
Only $19.99 and we're so sure you'll love it that it comes with a 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee!
Both Men And Women Can Learn To Plug In Deeply
Our ebook, "Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm: Awakening His Sacred Gate To Supreme Bliss," teaches both givers and receivers of male prostate massage who crave enormous confidence in giving the exquisite ecstasy only imagined in the most erotic dreams. Men, you can have unlimited male multiple orgasms with our new Tantric Sex ebook. Givers, you can easily become every man's dream lover with our ebook.
It's designed for both ecstatic solo play as well as partner loveplay, it's the complete 206-page guidebook to supercharge a man's sexual play with Tantric Male G-Spot Orgasms. Not just one, but multiple explosions of incredible power and emotional sweetness. Our how-to Tantric Sex manual shows you how to expand your capacity for pleasure with step-by-step instructions from the ancient secrets of the Kama Sutra and modern sexology.
No longer will your or your lover's G-Spot be mysterious and elusive. After reading the hot sex tips in Chapter 4, you'll know exactly how to find your male G-Spot. After doing the exciting G-Spot massage practices in Chapter 5, you'll know exactly how to touch and arouse your man G-Spot. After mastering the 4 solo and 8 partner sexual positions in Chapter 4, you'll know exactly how to trigger explosive pleasure with the male G-Spot.
Our male G-Spot ebook includes 47 exciting solo and hands-on partner practices that will show you exactly how to find, excite, and create incredible pleasure from your own or your partner's G-Spot. It's chock full of frank, accurate, detailed, up-to-date information and 49 graphic color photos and charts about male sexual anatomy.
What do our readers say: "An absolutely excellent book! Well written, knowledgeable, instructive, entertaining and fun. Thanks so much.!" -- dsp
Download it instantly here:

Hotter Sex, Deeper Love Ebook
A Couple’s Guide To Ultimate Intimacy For The New Millennium
Our Hotter Sex, Deeper Love Ebook is a practical couples manual for hotter sex and deeper connection with never-ending intimacy and passion based on the 13 Essential Keys for sweet love and juicy sex. Its 254-pages include practical relationship tools, step-by-step sexual techniques, and stories of actual lovers. It's 25 short chapters and 41 step-by-step exercises cover talking, touching, kissing, lovemaking, oral sex, and anal play. Be a better, more confident lover with richer sex and emotional intimacy. Read our breakthrough lovemaking guide for a fulfilling marriage, a great sex life, and lightning-charged passion.
How To Get Everything You've Ever Dreamed Of In Love, Sex, Marriage, and Relationship
A practical couples manual for hotter sex and deeper connection with never-ending intimacy, partnership, and passion based on the 13 Essential Keys for happy love and juicy sex. Its 254-pages include practical relationship tools, step-by-step sexual techniques, and real stories of actual lovers breakthroughs. It's 25 short chapters, 41 step-by-step exercises, and extensive appendix cover the whole spectrum from talking and touching, to kissing and lovemaking, to oral sex and anal play. This clear, user-friendly lovemaking guide will teach you to be a better, more confident lover with a richer sex life rooted in ever-growing emotional sweetness and sexual intimacy. If you want a fulfilling marriage with great sex or a long-term relationship with lightning-charged passion, you need this breakthrough how-to guide with its dozens of better sex tips and joyful relationship tools for deeper love and hotter passion.
A Powerful Do-It-Yourselves Guide To Getting Everything You've Both Ever Dreamed Of
The Hotter Sex, Deeper Love Ebook is a practical manual for couples who want hotter sex and deeper connection in a partnership that continues to grow in intimacy, love, and passion. With real stories about how actual lovers turned their relationships around, this playbook centers around the 13 Essential Keys for happy love and juicy sex that never ends. To give you both the confidence and information to be better lovers with a richer sex life, it cover the whole spectrum from kissing and tender touch to oral and anal sex play. But what makes our 254-page emotional and sexual intimacy ebook unique are its practical relationship tools and step-by-step sexual techniques. Hotter Sex, Deeper Love contains 25 short chapters, 41 step-by-step exercises, and an extensive appendix with valuable resources including fascinating discoveries from modern sex research. This clear, user-friendly lovemaking guide was written by two experienced psychotherapists who've specialized in relationship and sex for decades. If you want a fulfilling marriage with great sex or a long-term relationship with ever-growing sweetness, you need this breakthrough how-to guide with its dozens of better sex tips and joyful relationship tools for deeper love and hotter passion.
Download it instantly here:
Description 3900 characters 700 words
My Hotter Sex, Deeper Love Ebook will help you supercharge your sex life while you create the relationship of your dreams. I wrote it for the two of you -- a committed couple who wants the most life has to offer, namely deep love, passionate intimacy, and ongoing hot sex.
My ebook teaches you the essential 13 Essential Keys to having the greatest relationship and the hottest sex on the planet so that you'll feel...
-- Each time you make love is better than the last time?
-- Love, appreciation, and desire wash over you every time you look at your partner?
-- That deep sense of sexual satisfaction that just goes on and on?
If you shouted "Yes!" like me and my partner do, you really want to read and play your way through my ebook. Right, I said "play" because our how-to guide is more than great sex tips and communication tools. It's a "playbook" with specific steps you can take to get what you want with each other.
We'll show you how to...
- Feel more love and passion than you ever imagined,
- Expand your sexual options,
- Feel safe and confident while exploring your kinky side,, and
- Have confidence that you and your partner are having IT all?
Few of us learned how to have hot sex and deep love that only grows and grows in a relationship. Most of us learned about marriage by watching our parents. Enough said!
Every couple can benefit from our sensible, straight-forward, user-friendly guide to hot juicy sex and the kind of relationship you've always dreamed of. It’s the complete hands-on manual for learning more about every aspect of your relationship AND the sex you want. From how to talk about the hard stuff to kinky sex, this ebook has it all. And that includes what you think I mean by "hands-on."
We want you to have the most fantastic sex life, the deepest love, and the most profound intimacy with your partner. That's why it’s all here at your fingertips within 254 short pages in our ebook. You can learn these valuable tools for strengthening your love and supercharging your sex. We don't want you to fall into the trap of most average marriages and intimate relationships which die at about the 50% rate.
Even more tragic, 1 out of 5 marriages are sexless. To those of us who know how important hot, juicy, regular sex is to mental health and relationship longevity, that’s a real tragedy!
Sad, but true, most couples still have a tough time talking about the intimate details of sex. We'll show you step by step how to enjoy and get turned on by sexual communication. Our job is to give you the straight facts about how love and sex are so intimately intertwined. Which is why our ebook will help you look into every important part of your heart, mind, and soul and how they impact your sex life.
We know that you have the capacity to feel better about your sex life and each other. We'll give you 41 pragmatic tools to change your love life and sex life into exactly what you want.
We firmly believe our relationship ebook is completely revolutionary. It's not a bunch of theorizing that has little to do with your situation. Instead, it's completely centered around practical things you can quickly learn to do easily.
Reading can be fun, but it probably won’t change anything, unless you DO something different. That's why this ebook is so much more than just useful information. It explains what to do in a myriad of common situations, many of which apply to you.
We wrote this ebook after years of therapy with a wide variety of couples. We knew that just talking or reading isn't enough. So we discovered how to give our clients tools they could take home, use easily, and quickly change their love relationships and sex lives.
And we tell you those stories -- stories of real couples like you (with their names changed, of course) -- and how they used what we taught them to completely transform their sex lives and love relationships.

How To Use Sacred Sexuality For Ecstatic Pleasure, Tantric Orgasm, & Personal Transformation
The best way to begin learning Tantra is by reading our mini-ebook, Tantric Sex Life. In it we've collected the essence of how you can begin using ancient Tantric secrets right now in your own home. It's richly illustrated, clearly explained, and answers questions like what is Tantra, how is Tantric LovePlay different from average sex, what is sexual energy, and how can Tantra deepen relationship intimacy. It's a great summary you can read and enjoy in less than an hour.