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Unlimited Man Sex Stamina Article About Premature Ejaculation Control
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"Sacred Sexual Secrets" Newsletter 5/12/03
Published by Dhyan Jeffre TallTrees & Dhyan Somraj Pokras
ISSN 1540-8825 (c) Copyright 2003 by Tantra At Tahoe
<>(530) 587-1317
This is free ezine offers practical sex tips derived from modern
sex research and the ancient wisdom of Tantra and the Kama
Sutra. We teach Supreme Bliss Tantra to help you deepen
relationship intimacy and reach astounding heights of sexual
ecstasy through long-distance learning and hands-on training.
--- Our Motto: Deeper Into The Heart Of Sex
If you don't want our newsletter, scroll to the end to stop them.
Dear Reader
We had an ecstatic time visiting the Mayan ruins in Mexico.
Practicing Espanol really turned us on so we had some great sex.
What else is new?

"Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery" now has readers in 58
countries! In honor of that, we wanted to share some of secrets
from this best-selling ebook in this and our next issue. Readers
are reporting great successes as some of the testimonials here
To celebrate, we're offering newsletter subscribers a
10% discount. See instructions at the end of the article.
We're halfway through the final edit of our new ebook about
the G-Spot and Female Ejaculation. Watch for the announcement
in early June.
This issue contains...
* Tantric Quote: "Endless Orgasm"
* Juicy Joke: "The Encounter"
* Friend's Feedback: "Dry Orgasm"
* Featured Article: "The Ultimate Tantric Solution to Premature Ejaculation & Unlimited Man Sex Stamina"
* Interesting Pubic Findings: "Going Down"
* FREE Stuff : "You Could Be Our Next Winner Like Kim!"
* Juicy Joke: "The Staff Of Life"
* Tantric Quote: "Dancing"
* Friend's Feedback: "Vibrantly Alive Sexually"
Love from Tantra At Tahoe who is...
Dhyan Jeffre & Dhyan Somraj
Tantric Quote
-- Endless Orgasm --
?Endless orgasm is for those who can be responsible for staying
in love, for stepping out of the mental trivia trap, out of everyday
thinking mind. Thoughts can kill endless orgasms, just as the
can kill ordinary orgasm during ordinary sex.? ----- Margot
Anand in "The Art of Sexual Ecstasy"
Juicy Joke
-- The Encounter --
A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to ask the clerk a question.
As he turns to go to the front desk, he accidentally bumps into
the woman beside him and as he does, his elbow goes into her
They are both startled and he says, "Ma'am, if your heart is as
soft as your breast, I know you'll forgive me."
She replies, "Sir, if your penis is as hard as your elbow, I'm in
room 1221."
Friend's Feedback About "Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery"
-- Dry Orgasm --
"Today, I reached 9.9 (the point of no return) while self-
pleasuring. I didn't cum but I experienced orgasm which I
presume is the dry orgasm." ----- P.S. of London
(Thanks for your OK to share. You can get lots of free advice and
your private copy of Somraj's great ebook by clicking here...
Featured Article
-- The Ultimate Tantric Solution to Premature Ejaculation --
The Ecstatic Approach to Making Love For As Long As You Want,
While You Experience More Ecstasy Than You Ever Imagined
By Somraj Pokras of Tantra At Tahoe
The bad news first. According to some estimates, about 30
percent of American men reach orgasm earlier than they'd like
to. Decades ago Alfred Kinsey, one of the early famous sex
researchers, found that 75% of the men he tested ejaculated
within two minutes of vaginal entry. Pretty quick, don't you
think? Yeah, well, I can remember when I regularly beat that
The good news is that this sad situation motivated sex therapists
to develop successful solutions to premature ejaculation. And it
spurred us Tantric folks to study the ancient texts for powerful
secrets of mastering our orgasms. I've tried them all and some
work tremendously. So I wrote an electronic book to share my
experience with others who want to last longer.
But there's more bad news. These traditional techniques of male
orgasm mastery concentrate on control. Control requires always
being careful. This puts you on guard and under constant
tension. That kind of therapy is decidedly non-Tantric because
you end up wound tighter than a spring.
If you know anything about the ancient art and science of sacred
sexuality, you must be aware that Tantra teaches us to relax,
enjoy, and not resist. Besides, springs easily pop off if you tweak
them, right? That's what we want to overcome.
- - - - - - - - - - -
When I set out to learn to last longer myself, I sought a pleasure-
positive method that worked Tantrically. That's what started me
reading, practicing, and developing Ultimate Ejaculation
Mastery. This volume is really my story about my love
relationship with vajra (Tantric for penis), about creating more
and more pleasure, and mastering vajra's ups and downs.
I wrote this ebook so that you can become an Orgasm Master too.
It's about how you can be at choice about cuming when you want
to, or not. It's about you enjoying undreamed of pleasure for
amazingly long periods of time.
As I say in Chapter 1:

"The first thing you need to believe when you embark on the
path of Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery is that there's nothing
wrong with you. Cuming is a good thing. OK, it doesn't always
happen when you want it to. Just consider it a timing problem.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, you can change your
timing with training. I know because I did.
"If you choose this path, you're going to discover (if you don't
already know) that ejaculation doesn't always have to accompany
orgasm. That's how those who've learned these techniques have
multiple orgasms, pleasurable spasm after spasm that go on and
on without the squirting that for most of us ends the playtime."
Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery goes into depth about the ten
major causes of premature ejaculation. But for most of us, it's
simply a learning gap that we can easily correct. We've been
conditioned so that when we get turned on, something inside
takes over and convinces us to just let go. I call that the "urge to
cum." You can easily master this urge if you do the practices in
my ebook.
For a microsecond I don't want to give you the idea that there's
anything wrong with this urge. The craving for pleasure is how
we celebrate life in Tantra.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Chapter 1 continues:
"As a result of over 30 years helping people change their
behavior, I'm convinced that few succeed at stopping something
they don't want to do, like cuming. The secret is to replace what
you don't want with something better. Fortunately, Ultimate
Ejaculation Mastery teaches something so much better that once
you develop the knack of inner orgasm from the exercises in
this ebook, you'll never want to go back to spraying your seed
outside indiscriminately.
"Inner orgasm, is that anything like inner tennis or golf? No, not
You're familiar I'm sure with the outer explosive orgasm: the very
pleasurable ten-second involuntary muscle contractions
accompanied by releasing semen to the outside world. Believe it
or not, it's quite possible to make those involuntary muscle
contractions respond to your power of choice. So you get the fun
without the wetness.
Regardless of what's causing your desire to make a change in
your lovemaking skills, energy is at the root of it. When
Tantrikas refer to energy, we mean the nervous stimulation and
physical excitation that feels like an electric current or magnetic
field running through your body. Tantra practice is all about how
to conjure up sexual energy and circulate it. Why bother learning
how to channel energy? Because if it all stays in your cock, the
easiest place to move is outwards, and it makes you cum.
Disperse it and you feel great all over without a sudden big gush.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery teaches you to separate ejaculation
from orgasm by infusing your whole body with that glorious
energy. When you learn the Orgasm Mastery formula, you can
avoid the contractions that initiate the emission of semen. When
you're super turned on, you can still have those pelvic muscle
contractions that feel so wonderful. That's what causes a dry or
energy orgasm, a long series of slow pleasurable spasms with a
rush of energy without ejaculating. I call these inner or implosive
orgasms because you pump the energy back inside, circulate it
over and over again, and reach higher and higher peaks.
Now, here's the best news of all. When I have an inner orgasm,
my arousal decreases dramatically. On the other side of that
peak, I'm suddenly less sensitive. So I can stroke faster and
pump vigorously while my excitement rebuilds slowly. By
circulating my energy while I'm peaking, my love stamina is
lengthened tremendously. And by repeating this cycle over and
over, it becomes virtually unlimited.
Frankly, I've never been real good at teasing my partner to make
her hotter and hotter. But by slowly approaching peaks together,
she loves going for it wildly on the other side. This is the best
news for female orgasm most women have ever experienced.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The secret formula of orgasm master presented in detail in
Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery is RAMPER which stands for..
• Relax,
• Awareness,
• Measure,
• Pace yourself,
• Energy circulation, and
• Ride the wave.
Relaxing in high states of arousal is the foundation. Tantric
lovemaking is typically much slower than the fast pumping you
see in porno flicks. Just by going slower you'll be more relaxed.
And relaxation lets you open your awareness, heighten your
senses, and focus your mind. Focus on what? Why on pleasure in
the moment, of course. If you can appreciate how great your
vajra feels now, you'll be more willing to relax and go slow.
Watch for our next issue in a couple weeks when you'll learn
about the rest of the formula.
If you're ready to get your own private confidential copy, you can
buy it from our totally secure server during May for 10% off.
Click here...<>
and then enter "uem10" without the quotation marks in the
coupon box on our shopping cart.
If you want more details about the ebook before deciding, click
Wishing you love and lots of long ecstatic lovemaking,
Dhyan Jeffre & Somraj
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dhyan Jeffre TallTrees, Ph.D., cofounder of Supreme Bliss
Tantra, is an author, speaker, workshop leader, and licensed
SkyDancing Tantra Teacher with over 30 years of clinical
experience in relationships and human sexuality. Jeffre is co-
author of "Hotter Sex, Deeper Love."
Dhyan Somraj Pokras, cofounder of Supreme Bliss Tantra, is the
author of countless articles about Tantra, over 50 workshops,
and 4 books including "Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery." During his
30 year career as a speaker, counselor, personal coach, group
facilitator, and workshop trainer, Somraj has guided more that
20,000 people to lead more ecstatic and effective lives.
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Interesting Pubic Findings
"Going Down? What they called cunnilingus in the last 100 years"
1800's - Eat someone's flowers
1920's - Lap up; Have a mustache
1930's - Growl in her busby, Kiss the baby
1940's - Dive a muff
1950's - Go South; Go way down south in Dixie
1960's - Give face; Pearl Dive; Talk to the canoe driver
1970's - Sip at a fuzzy cup; Go under the house
1980's - Blow some tunes; Munch the carpet; Eat a fur burger
1990's - Lick a box; Lick the holy ground
Win By Taking Our Poll
-- You Could Be Our Next Winner Like Kim! --
Congratulation to Kim Hayden who won our April CONTEST by
entering our on-line poll and will receive a free copy of our new
in progress ebook, "Awakening The Sacred Gate To Supreme
Bliss: Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation" when it's
available in June.
You could be the next winner of a FREE Tantra ebook. For your
monthly chance to win a free Tantric , be sure to enter our
monthly contest by taking our 1 minute Tantric Sex Poll by
clicking here...<>.
Juicy Joke
-- The Staff Of Life --
A boy is walking along with bread in one hand that he had just
bought at the market. His other hand is in his pocket.
The local Father, walking in the opposite direction, runs into
him. Seeing this as a good opportunity to teach the boy some
valuable lessons, he says to the boy, kindly...
"My son! On the one hand you are carrying the staff of life. What
are you holding in the other?"
The boy replies, "A loaf of bread."
Tantric Quote
-- Dancing --
"Dancing is not rising to your feet painlessly like a whirl of dust
blown about by the wind. Dancing is when you rise above both
worlds, tearing your heart to pieces and giving up your soul."
----- Rumi
Friend's Feedback
-- Vibrantly Alive Sexually ---
"Thanks to Somraj and Jeffre's gentle coaching I discovered that
not only am I sexually healthy, I am, in fact, vibrantly alive
sexually. At last I can allow myself to be the responsible lover
who does not need to depend on her partner to bring her to
wholeness - to ecstasy. I have learned that I am the only one who
is in control of my experience with myself and my Beloved."
----- E.B. from Vermont
Special Report
As a newsletter subscriber, you're entitled to a free copy of our
ground breaking 70-page Special Report "The Top Ten Tantric
Secrets Of Sex, Love, & Intimacy." To begin receiving your
secrets in installments, register here...
If you missed an installment, you're welcome to re-register any
time. Or you can find all 10 installments by clicking here...
Supreme Bliss Tantra
Supreme Bliss is the zenith of sexual ecstasy which transforms
orgasmic energy into expanded consciousness.
Supreme Bliss Tantra is the modern system of personal
transformation based on the ancient Eastern spiritual path
which uses sexual energy practices to...
- deepen love and intimacy,
- extend lovemaking, and
- create continuous full-body mind-altering Tantric Orgasms.
By opening your senses of the present moment, embracing all of
life and all of your being, and focusing on pleasure as a divine
gift, Supreme Bliss Tantra...
- heals your mind, body, and spirit,
- connects you passionately with your deeper self and your
beloved, and
- immerses you deeply into the untold joys of sacred sexuality to
reach cosmic peaks of pleasure to make life an ecstatic
journey in total communion with all that is.
Summary Stuff
Contact Us...
Dhyan Jeffre TallTrees & Dhyan Somraj Pokras
(Dhyan is a prefix meaning "meditation.")
11200 Donner Pass Road #146, Truckee, CA 96161
Office (530) 587-1317
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Email: <>
Our motto: "Deeper Into The Heart Of Sex"
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The information contained in this document represents the
current view of Tantra At Tahoe on the issues discussed as of the
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