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SUBJECT: Free Tantric Tips From Our Sacred Secrets Newsletter

Because Tantra At Tahoe's "Sacred Sexual Secrets" newsletters have
grown with discounts, specials, jokes, quotes, and a long featured
article, we're introducing shorter "Tantric Sex Tips" with this issue.
These every-other-week messages will give you some focused practical
advice about how to improve your sex life using Tantra and the Kama

We'll alternate these "how to" editions with the full newsletters. Their
theme will be "Try This Tonight!" Or earlier if you're into afternoon

Here's our first "Tantric Sex Tip." Enjoy.

Somraj & Jeffre of Tantra At Tahoe

P.S. Scroll to the bottom for addresses to click on or to unsubscribe.

"Tantric Sex Tips from Sacred Sexual Secrets Newsletter" 3/18/04
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Published by Dhyan Somraj Pokras & Dhyan Jeffre TallTrees
ISSN 1540-8825 (c) Copyright 2004 by Tantra At Tahoe

6 Steps To Hours Of Ecstatic LoveMaking
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Have you noticed that making love longer is one our central themes?
Which is why we thought we'd start with the heart of our best-selling
ebook, "Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery." It's based on a powerful 6-step
formula which is guaranteed to teach you to enjoy passionate Tantric
Sex for hours like we do regularly.

The first step of the formula is as important for women who want
longer intercourse as it is for their lovers. Ladies, you do realize that
you can extend your pleasure indefinitely or push your man over the
edge when you're straining to cum yourself, right? Pay attention and
reap the rewards.

If both of you can do the first of the six steps, you really don't need the
other five. We're going to give the ultimate secret away here for free.
But it's the hardest...


Is that it, just relax? This may sound awfully simplistic, but it's the
bedrock of Tantric Sex. Just let your body, mind, and emotions calm
down when you're highly aroused.

How Do I Relax When I'm On The Verge?
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So you're pumping away both enjoying yourself immensely with vajra
(Tantric for penis) sliding in and out, oh, so delightfully and one of you
starts to peak. As a result, the guy gets real close to his point of no
return. At this crucial point, does our advice to relax help much?

Well, yes and no. Yes, because, if you know how, this is all you need to
do. Of course, with extensive practice it took Somraj, the male half of
Tantra At Tahoe, a couple years to learn to dance on the verge without
exploding. (See our July 2002 articles about "Dancing On The Verge"
at the archives link below.)

On the other hand, when a guy gets close to orgasm the muscles in his
pelvis, plus his legs and back, tighten up. Which isn't so bad except
this makes that the sexual muscles around the male G-Spot, the
prostate, contract too. The good news is that it feels great. The bad
news is that this is what causes male ejaculation. (See our most recent
article about the "Male G-Spot" at the archives link below.)

Worse, prostate contractions are pretty much involuntary for an
untrained male lover. You need to train your body and your mind to
slow down, sink into whatever you're feeling, and let go before blowing
it. This takes practice. If you didn't know, this is a great example of
why we say Tantra is a spiritual practice. Little changes for most lovers
without exercising. (See our January 2002 article about practicing at
the archives link below.)

Since many of these disciplines deal with sex, though, we have great
luck talking our readers and clients into doing it.

Try This Tonight - Four Ways To Relax
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"Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery" contains specific instructions for four
different relaxation techniques: the Yoga corpse posture, whole-body
muscle relaxation, sitting meditation, and Tantric breathing.

In spite of the names, there's nothing too esoteric about any of them.
Simply practice laying down completely relaxed, relaxing all your
muscles one by one, sitting upright and emptying your mind, or
breathing deeply and slowly in and out of your belly. One or a
combination may be the key for you but you won't know until you

We urge you to try them all right now, before you get to the precipice
on the verge of cumming during lovemaking. That's the critical action
of Tantra, practice. Get your body and mind used to relaxing before you
get turned on. Then when you make love and get close to being swept
away before you're ready, you'll respond to your mental command to

In other words, don't strain, don't push, don't move, don't think, just
BE. See, Tantra truly is a spiritual discipline if the key to longer
lovemaking is a state of being at the crucial moment.

Yes, please try this at home tonight.

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Every Issue Contains A Special Offer: FREE or 35% Off
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If you email and tell us in detail how relaxing worked during
lovemaking (along with your firstname, city, and OK to publish), we'll
enter you in a drawing for a free copy of "Ultimate Ejaculation
Mastery." Look for the best story in a coming issue.

We don't to bum you out if you don't win. So here's a deal for every

Each "Tantric Sex Tips from Sacred Sexual Secrets" newsletter
includes a special time-limited discount on the product or service
we're sharing from. So for the next three days, you can save $7 and buy
"Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery" at 35% off. Simply enter the following
code in the coupon field when you check out...


Since our publication date is March 18, you have until the first day of
spring, March 21, before this great offer expires.

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Quick Tips & Addresses To Click
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~~ EBOOKS: Find "Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery" & others here...
<a href="">AOL
click here</a>

~~ SEX TOYS: For our favorite Kama Sutra & Tantric Sex Toys...
<a href="">AOL click

~~ FREE GUIDED TOURS: Hundreds of pages of free Tantra info...
<a href="
tours.htm">AOL click here</a

~~ ARTICLE ARCHIVES: Nearly 50 free Tantra/Kama Sutra articles...
<a href="">AOL
click here</a

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~~ HOME PAGE: To access our entire site from our home page...
<a href="">AOL click here</a>

~~ EMAIL: To contact us or enter your graphic story in our drawing...
<a href="">AOL
click here</a>

~~ CONTACT INFO: Tantra At Tahoe is at...
11200 Donner Pass Road #146, Truckee, CA 96161
Office (530) 587-1317 Fax (530) 550-0946
Our motto: "Deeper Into The Heart Of Sex"
Please see our full issues for our affiliate program, reprint permission, strict privacy policy, and legal disclaimers.

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