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Your Tantra Newsletter: More Of The Secret Of Divine Juicy
Erotic Tantra

"Sacred Sexual Secrets" Newsletter 1/25/04
Published by Dhyan Somraj Pokras & Dhyan Jeffre TallTrees
ISSN 1540-8825 (c) Copyright 2004 by Tantra At Tahoe
<> (530) 587-1317
This free ezine offers practical sex tips derived from modern
sex research and the ancient wisdom of Tantra and the Kama
Sutra. We teach Supreme Bliss Tantra to help you deepen
relationship intimacy and reach astounding heights of sexual
ecstasy through long-distance learning and hands-on training.
-- Our Motto: Deeper Into The Heart Of Sex
If you don't want our newsletter, scroll to the end to stop them.

Dear Reader:

Our lifestyle may be centered around spirituality and sacred sex,
but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy all aspects of life. We're
loving ski season in the glorious California mountains and
gearing up for one of our biggest annual Tantric rituals - the
SuperBowl. Yes, after the big game we'll probably be so turned on
we'll make love all evening.

That's what Tantra is about, total immersion in the joys of life
and using the energy created to supercharge sex, love, and
intimacy. Which is why this issue continues with some solid
advice about how to bring out the true Goddess in your beloved.
Plus some great stories, jokes, and special deals.

This issue contains...
* Tantric Quote: "In Love With Life"
* Juicy Joke: "Sunday Morning Sex"
* Featured Product: "Trim Your Most Sacred Hairs"
* Friend's Feedback: "An Hour, I Kid You Not"
* Featured Article: ""Worship The Goddess In Your Beloved 2"
* Featured Service: "Save $210 On Our Better Sex Program"
* Interesting Findings: "Evangelicals vs. The Rest Of Us"
* Adult Store: "Tantric Valentine's Day Gift Specials"
* Juicy Joke: "Sexual Benefits of Chicken Blood"
* Tantric Quote: "Hundreds Of Ways"
* Friend's Feedback: "Feels So Good"
* FREE Stuff: "You Could Be Our Next Winner Like Debbie!"
* How To Save $20 On Our Ebooks

Love from Tantra At Tahoe who is...
Somraj & Jeffre

P.S. You can easily find our growing assortment of free Guided
Tours about Tantra, Kama Sutra, & Better Sex here...
<a href="
tours.htm">AOL click here</a>

Tantric Quote
- In Love With Life -

"When you are fully allowing your Connection with your Source,
you are radiant; you are clear-minded; you are joyful; you feel
good in the moment; you're usually smiling; your heart is
swelling; you feel appreciation; you feel love; you feel fantastic;
you are in love with life." -- Abraham

Juicy Joke
- Sunday Morning Sex -

Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just
passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's
house to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her.

When she asked how her grandfather had died, her
grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making
love on Sunday morning."

Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people
nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble.

"Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our
advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the
church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and
slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out
on the Dong."

She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, "and if the damned ice
cream truck hadn't come along, he'd still be alive today!" 

Featured Product
- Trim Your Most Sacred Hairs Without Bumps Or Irritation -

Do you like the look and feel of trimmed or clean-shaven genitals?
Many sex-positive lovers are so proud of their sexual pleasure that they
groom their pubic hair. And they love the incredible slipperiness of
loveplay when completely smooth vagina, lips, penis, and testicles
meet. So will you if you haven't tried it!

We searched the world to find a shaver that does not "bite" the vaginal
lips or testicles. The Feather Touch Clean-cut Personal Razor is the
only one of many tested that does the job - and does it well! It won't
bite or cause red bumps, irritation, discomfort, or ingrown hairs. It's
clearly the best dry razor in the world for both men and women.

The Feather Touch Clean-cut is designed specifically for shaving
sensitive areas. It will shave your pubic area closer, faster, easier and,
most importantly, safer than anything else you've ever used...period!
This imported battery-operated, ultra-fine-screen, rotary-head dry
personal razor will leave your most intimate areas as smooth as a
newborn baby's bottom.

This incredible dry razor is specifically designed for daily touch up,
after bushy hair has been trimmed down to stubble. You need to use it
in conjunction with a hair trimmer. Our website offers a couple
options, the LadyFair or the Femini Trimmer, and $15 savings
discount package deals.

Click here for more information...

Friend's Feedback re: "Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery"
- An Hour, I Kid You Not -

"I’m a 57 year old man. About three months ago I came across
this information. At first I was skeptical but I gave it a try.
Initially I was so excited about trying something new that my
level of arousal was high and I found that I was getting to close to
that ‘edge’ and going over. Well, I kept on a-practicing and now
do believe I’m getting somewhere. I used to be a fast cumer and
one very frustrated man. I knew my girlfriend wasn’t enjoying
sex that much but she never said much. Now it is all different. I
have learned such control that I’m able to pleasure her for up to
an hour of slow love making. I kid you not. And, I don’t even
cum at the end of that time (most times) and don’t experience
missing anything. When I don’t, I find that we are able to make
love 2-3 times a day. It is glorious. When things are good in
bed, that colors what happens elsewhere. Then, maybe once a
month or so, after a long session, I ‘let’r rip!’ Love it I say.
Thanks for the info I’ve found on your site." Doug

(Thanks for your OK to share. Lots of free premature ejaculation
mastery advice here...
<a href="
ejaculation.htm">AOL click here</a>

Featured Article

"Worshipping The Goddess In Your Beloved - Part 2"
"The Secret Of Divine Juicy Erotic Spiritual Tantric Sex"

In our last issue, we explained the secret of divine juicy erotic Tantric Sex:
worship your Goddess's energy. (You can find this article here... Worshipping The Goddess In Your Beloved - 1).

Instead of taking her, you follow the ebb and flow of her natural juicy
impulses in and out of bed. You match her speed, you shift position, you peak
in response to her signals. Of course, this requires that she's open to
receiving pleasure, able to respond clearly verbally and non-verbally, and
that you can give her what she wants in each moment.

So here and in our next issue we'll dive deeper into how the mechanics of
making love to a woman works to bring out her Goddess nature. Specifically,
let's examine some of the problems associated with letting the women's
energy lead in lovemaking.

Does This Work For Men Too?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Giving the Goddess what turns her on makes sense as good strategy, but it's
bound to fall flat if you're not enjoying it. The Goddess wants to turn you on,
too. She wants you reveling in pure delight right alongside her. And inside
her when she's up for it. Not only does it confirm her sexiness, but sharing
and exchanging sexual energy only heightens her passion.

But what if you're not feeling it? Worshipping the Goddess means getting in
touch with the sources of your own pleasure and what turns you on about

In other words, guys, you need to follow the Goddess inside yourself, too.
Seek what brings you pleasure. Give in to your fantasies. Tune in to your
feelings. Ask for her to "do" you. Forget the male myths you compare your
prowess to and simply enjoy yourself.

What if she's not in much of a lovable mood?

The seasoned romantic knows how to shift any woman's attention to what's
most important -- intimacy, affection, and love. Throw in a dap of cherishing
and a dollop of adoration and you'll have her eating out of your hand in no
time. Or lower down, if you're into that like we are.

Do I Have To Give Away All My Power?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Worshipping the Goddess means activating her appetite for love, lust, and
sexual communion. A being who amplifies her gusto for life is bound to
become more passionate about the downs as well as the ups. Anyone who's
learned to live with another knows that a large dose of tolerance,
acceptance, and allowing is essential.

But worshipping the Goddess doesn't mean submitting to all of her unloving
whims and unlovable moods. That means she's disconnected from her divine
loving pleasure-seeking nature in those moments. Serve her pleasure, not
her psychological or emotional peeves.

We live in a world of heightened stresses and competing pressures. It seems
there's never enough time. As a result, all of us get our buttons pushed from
time to time. On top of that, a woman's monthly cycle can regularly put her
out of sorts.

When our beloved experiences negative emotional reactions, we just have to
let them be as best we can. At the same time, we need to recognize this is
not the highest incarnation of the Goddess we want to worship.

Worshipping the Goddess doesn't mean serving the potential ultimate bitch
residing deep in her shadow side. Tantra doesn't give women permission to
act out their deepest fears at the expense of the mental health of their
family. Or men either, for that matter. Tantra is about consciousness, not

Whether or not you defer to every little nag, whine, or pet peeve in the
interest of domestic harmony is your choice. Just face the fact that giving in
to unreasonable demands isn't cultivating your Goddess's innate loving
essence. This is what we seek in Tantra, bringing out the best in the ones
we love.

So What Can A Lover Of Women Do?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If she's not enjoying life, offer recreations and distractions that ground and
center her. If she's upset, leave her be until she's susceptible to being
seduced again. If she doesn't seem interested in sex, remind her of earlier
pleasures that moved her inner being. Above all, stay true to your own
pleasure seeking essence.

Don't think that we're encouraging partners to impose any kind of discipline
for unloving behavior. Rather, we're suggesting that both need to be
responsible for the requirements of life, take care of themselves,
communicate honestly, and be considerate of their beloved's feelings
without abdicating power to the dark side.

Life problems only get better if we confront them. Certainly, worshipping
the Goddess includes helping her reclaim her divine nature by focusing on
pleasure, not pain and problems.

Remember, Tantra is a spiritual philosophy that aims to raise consciousness.
We use loveplay and sexual energy -- a deep fundamental need that we all
share -- as the catalyst to look at ourselves, learn about ourselves, and share
ourselves with our beloved and the world more authentically. The joyous by-
product is more pleasure, cosmic orgasms, and soaring ecstasy.

Not a bad package deal, don't you agree?

This Goddess energy lurks inside all of us. It's the primal force which drives
us all to love ourselves passionately, dive into life full-bore, and when we
really learn that we deserve it, enjoy every pleasure to the max. Worshipping
this aspect of your beloved means encouraging her delight, searching for her
turn-ons even when she doesn't see them, and giving her what she wants
when she knows it.

The lover who worships the Goddess in bed is repaid many times over in
love, affection, and passionate uninhibited lovemaking.

Is That All It Takes?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In Tantra, we identify the Goddess's energy with the elemental power that
inhabits the earth, the feminine side of the divine that permeates all of us.
When we worship her, the Goddess receives our gifts, accepts us with open
arms, and showers us with her love. Who could wish for anything more?

Well, that's just our opinion. You might see things differently, but this
prescription works for us. Like any couple, we have our glitches, conflicts,
and collisions. Worshipping the Goddess when she wants to come out to play
empowers us to get back to what's really important in life: pleasure,
orgasms, and Supreme Bliss.

We understand that it's sometimes difficult for the Goddess to respond from
her innate loving juicy passionate side. Our modern upbringing doesn't teach
us the sacred joy of owning our spiritual sexual self. Look for our next issue
which will explain the Tantric path of awakening the Goddess in every
woman. (You can find this next article here... Tantric Sexual Healing).

With great love, Somraj & Jeffre

Earn Free Stuff & Lots Of Money
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referring your friends, emailing your lists, and posting listings
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Interesting Pubic Findings
- Evangelicals vs. The Rest Of Us -

A survey by the Christian research organization the Barna Research
Group reveals the split in moral compass between the Christian right
and the rest of us sinners in the U.S.. Some examples...
- Abortion: 45% of all adults but only 4% of evangelicals believe
abortion is morally acceptable.
- Living together before marriage: 60% of the general population say
it's okay, but only 12% of evangelicals approve.
- Sex outside marriage: 42% of all adults but only 7% of evangelicals
say it's okay.
- Having sexual fantasies: 59% of all adults but only 15% of
evangelicals think it's morally acceptable.
- Porn: 38% of the general population say it's morally okay, but only
5% of evangelicals approve.
- Homosexual sex: 30% of the general population, but only 5%
of evangelicals, say it's morally acceptable.
Thanks to

Featured Service
- Our "Better Sex" Program For $210 OFF! -

Our new Better Sex Program is designed to get your sex life in
sync rapidly. It gives singles and couples the Tantric Sex tips
and Kama Sutra sexual advice to improve loveplay as quickly
as possible in the privacy of their own home. A wealth of
sexual techniques and lovemaking positions are explained in
depth in our Tantric Sex ebooks which are included. But with
over 750 pages containing nearly 250 exercises, where do you
start? With the Better Sex Program, we tune in to your unique
personal situation and desires, and guide you where you want
to go. We create a tailored practice program with written step-
by-step instructions so you know exactly where to start and
what to do.

This is the perfect place for you to start if you want to...
* Add Kama Sutra techniques, erotic massage, and oral sex to
your foreplay,
* Strengthen, improve, and extend your orgasms,
* Extend lovemaking and make sexual intercourse more
* Learn to find the G-Spot to trigger Tantric Orgasms and
female ejaculation, and
* Heal sexual problems like soft erections, premature
ejaculation, blocked orgasms, and inhibitions from sexual
wounds and abuse.

The Better Sex Program includes...
* Our 5 Tantric ebooks listed later (list price $84.87)
* Our full-hour Tantric Sex Assess consultation (list price
* One month of unlimited email support (list price $24.95).
That's a $309.82 value for only $99.82!

For further details and easy secure sign-up, click here...
OL click here</a>

Adult Products Store
- Tantric Valentine's Day Gift Specials Keep Coming & Coming-

February 14 will be upon us in no time. Decide now how to
honor your beloved with presents that keep giving pleasure. Like
the EverReady Bunny (you know the one that keeps going and
going and going) who's batteries were put in backwards. She just
keeps coming and coming and coming.

A complete set of our Tantric Sex ebooks would be the perfect
Valentine's Day gift for your honey. Think of the hours, and days,
and months of glorious sex practice following our step-by-step
instructions. Click here for details...
click here</a>

The Goddess invented the sex toy industry so you'd have more
things to play with and give each other endless orgasms. Order
the most fantastic assortment of Valentine's Day gifts from
the following categories...
- G-Spot Stimulators
- Sexual Enhancement Products
- Our Favorite Sex Toys
- Great Holiday Gifts
- Erotic DVDs
- Sex Education Videos
- Español DVDs & Videos
by clicking here...
>AOL listing</a>

Win By Taking Our Poll
- You Could Be Our Next Winner Like Debbie -

Congratulations to Debbie Rowe from Zimbabwe who won our
December CONTEST by entering our on-line poll. Debbie will
receive her free copy of our upcoming Tantra For Beginners
ebook when it's available shortly. May your sex life be as awesome
as Debbie's will be shortly.

You could be the next winner of a FREE Tantra ebook. For your
monthly chance to win a free Tantric , be sure to enter our
monthly contest by taking our 1 minute Tantric Sex Poll by
clicking here...<>.
<a href="">AOL click

Juicy Joke
- Sexual Benefits of Chicken Blood -

"American Medical Association researchers have made a remarkable
discovery. It seems that some patients needing blood transfusions may
benefit from receiving chicken blood rather than human blood.

"It tends to make the men cocky and the women lay better."

Tantric Quote
- Hundreds Of Ways -

“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to
kneel and kiss the ground.” -- Rumi

Friend's Feedback re: "Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm"
- Feels So Good -

"Hi Somraj & Jeffre. Yes I'm practicing thanks. My wife is helping me
on the male G spot with a crystal wand. Feels good so far. I presume
the prostate becomes more sensitive with practice? I certainly do
need to tune in a lot more but am breathing deeply & taking it slowly.
I have read around half of the ebook now and intend to continue
practicing regularly." - Phil from UK

Save $20 On Our Tantric Sex Ebooks
It's amazing how much we've all learned in past 10 years about
the body, sex, lovemaking. Yes, the answers are out there.
Unfortunately, in our repressed society information about sexual
education, communication, and pleasure is suppressed and
repressed. That's part of our Supreme Bliss Tantra mission, to
help you learn all you can about your orgasmic triggers, releasing
blockages, extending lovemaking, using all parts of your body,
enjoying fantasies, and getting all you've ever dreamed of out of
sex. Save $20 when you buy all five of our Tantric ebooks...
* Tantric Sex Life: How To Use Sacred Sexuality For Ecstatic
Pleasure, Tantric Orgasm, & Personal Transformation
* Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation: Awakening Her
Sacred Gate to Supreme Bliss
* Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm: Awakening His Sacred
Gate To Supreme Bliss
* Hotter Sex, Deeper Love
* Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery: The Ecstatic Tantric Solution
To Premature Ejaculation
Click here for complete details...
click here</a>

Summary Stuff
Contact Us...

Dhyan Somraj Pokras & Dhyan Jeffre TallTrees
(Dhyan is a prefix meaning "meditation.")
11200 Donner Pass Road #146, Truckee, CA 96161
Office (530) 587-1317 Fax (530) 550-0946
<a href="">AOL
email here</a>
Our motto: "Deeper Into The Heart Of Sex"
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This Document Is For Informational Purposes Only...

The information contained in this document represents the
current view of Tantra At Tahoe on the issues discussed as of the
date of publication. We provide this free advice in the hopes that
your conscious use will improve your sexual life. If you have a
medical or psychological condition, please contact your health
professional before acting on this advice. Our guidance is not
intended as medical or psychological treatment, psychotherapy,
or services best performed by a health professional. Information
provided in this document is provided "AS IS" without warranty
of any kind, either expressed or implied. You assume the entire
risk as to the accuracy and the use of suggestions in this
document. Without our personal services, your results may vary.

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