Hi there! I recently purchased your book about beating premature ejaculation and it’s great and I really enjoy it! However I’m still on the solo preparation chapter and my girlfriend is with me three nights a week and I feel I lose time on my workouts because she’s there. Would it be a good or bad idea to incorporate her in the routines? I realize that would move me to the partner preparation chapter. But we could work on that when she’s there and continue my way through solo prep and mastery when shes not there.
Thank you!
(used with permission under a changed name)
Absolutely, Steve. Involving her is a later stage that’s essential so the sooner the better as long as you can handle it.
Love, Somraj
So it’s okay if I haven’t gotten through the solo prep to involve her but just go as slow as possible to work my way up on the 30 minutes for that first exercise of partner prep? Then on days she’s not there I’ll continue solo prep to solo mastery. Kind of like paralleling the two courses.
Sure. I wrote down the most reliable learning gradient for the program. But there’s no reason you can’t change it in any way that works for you. Sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders so you can make it work.
Love, Somraj
Thanks so much for your quick responses, Somraj! Really reinforces my decision to buy your book. Hopefully if I can kick this PE issue, the lady and I will definitely be interested in more of your material.
I’m glad you’re taking all this so seriously. And please don’t stop having sex IF you’re both enjoying it.
When I was a counselor we had a strict protocol for starting sessions by saying “this is the session” at the start and “that’s it” at the end. I suggest you do the same, making a clear distinction between practice and fun. If it was me I’d say something like “let’s practice now” and then “enough practice, can I fuck you now?” But you may want to tone down your request if she’s not into talking dirty like my wife.
Basically do whatever works best for you. And if what you try isn’t working, try something else. I’m sure you can experiment successfully.