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Your Tantra Newsletter: Are Your Dates Full-Service, Meaning Do You Play Full Out Or Still Hold Back? Another Hard Look At How Sex Positive You Really Are

"Sacred Sexual Secrets" Newsletter 9/4/08
Published by Somraj Pokras & Jeffre TallTrees
ISSN 1540-8825 (c) Copyright 2008 by
This free ezine offers practical sex tips derived from modern
sex research and the ancient wisdom of Tantra and the Kama
Sutra. We teach Supreme Bliss Tantra to help you deepen
relationship intimacy and reach astounding heights of sexual
ecstasy through long-distance learning and hands-on training.
Our Motto: Deeper Into The Heart Of Sex
If you don't want our newsletter, scroll to the end to stop them.

Dear Reader:

In this issue's we'll jump into some further issues that are vital to the health of the society (and who know may influence the outcome of the Presidential election). I'm referring full-service sex topics such as anal sex, swallowing, and hand-jobs. This has got to incite some reactions for you to enter on our new blog at .

And don't miss the 12 amazing bloopers that were aired on British TV.

This issue contains...
* Tantric Quote: "Transform Your Whole Existence"
* Juicy Joke: "Twelve Of The Finest Bloopers Aired On British TV - Part 1"
* Featured Ebook: "Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm"
* Featured Article: "Are Your Dates Full-Service?"
* Tantric Quote: "Perfunctory Coitus"
* Juicy Joke: "Twelve Of The Finest Bloopers Aired On British TV - Part 2"
* How To Save Over $45 On Our Ebooks

Have you seen our new Tantric Erotic Art Gallery here ? Let us know if the free images turn you on the way they do us.

Love from Tantra At Tahoe who is...

Somraj & Jeffre

P.S. You can easily find our growing assortment of free Guided
Tours about Tantra, Kama Sutra, & Better Sex here...

Tantric Quote: "Transform Your Whole Existence"

"...the awareness that the sex act can be loving, beautiful and holy (not merely in the institutional sense but in terms of a dynamic and expanding universe) is an inspiring and liberating force leading to a greater sense of personal security and more natural human function. And it is not strange that when such a sexual transformation occurs that a similar liberation and advance is experienced in other areas of a person's existence." -- Omar Garrison in TANTRA: THE YOGA OF SEX

Juicy Joke: "Twelve Of The Finest Bloopers Aired On British TV - Part 1"

1. Pat Glenn, weightlifting commentator:

"And this is Gregoriava from Bulgaria. I saw her
snatch this morning and it was amazing!"

2. New Zealand Rugby Commentator:

"Andrew Mehrtens loves it when Daryl Gibson
comes inside of him."

3. Ted Walsh - Horse Racing Commentator:

"This is a really a lovely horse. I once rode her

4. Harry Carpenter at the Oxford-Cambridge
boat race 1977:

"Ah, isn't that nice. The wife of the Cambridge
President is kissing the Cox of the Oxford crew."

5. US PGA Commentator:

"One of the reasons Arnie (Arnold Palmer) is
playing so well is that, before each tee shot,
his wife takes out his balls and kisses them.
Oh my G~d! What have I just said?"

6. Carenza Lewis about finding food in the Middle
Ages on 'Time Team Live' said:

"You would eat beaver if you could get it."

Featured Ebook: "Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm"

Live Your Fantasies With Male G-Spot Play

Our ebook, "Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm: Awakening His Sacred Gate To Supreme Bliss," teaches both givers and receivers of male prostate massage who crave enormous confidence in giving the exquisite ecstasy only imagined in the most erotic dreams. Men, you can have unlimited male multiple orgasms with our new Tantric Sex ebook. Givers, you can easily become every man's dream lover with our ebook.

It's designed for both ecstatic solo play as well as partner loveplay, it's the complete 206-page guidebook to supercharge a man's sexual play with Tantric Male G-Spot Orgasms. Not just one, but multiple explosions of incredible power and emotional sweetness. Our how-to Tantric Sex manual shows you how to expand your capacity for pleasure with step-by-step instructions from the ancient secrets of the Kama Sutra and modern sexology.

No longer will your or your lover's G-Spot be mysterious and elusive. After reading the hot sex tips in Chapter 4, you'll know exactly how to find your male G-Spot. After doing the exciting G-Spot massage practices in Chapter 5, you'll know exactly how to touch and arouse your man G-Spot. After mastering the 4 solo and 8 partner sexual positions in Chapter 4, you'll know exactly how to trigger explosive pleasure with the male G-Spot.

As we write in our ebook: "The waves of pleasure were enormous, at an entirely new level. The surges of heat and electricity up and down my body made me vibrate all over. It was like I was coming deep inside but without the muscle contractions that usually make me squirt. And it kept going on and on, me writhing, screaming, and shaking until I was spent."

Our male G-Spot ebook includes 47 exciting solo and hands-on partner practices that will show you exactly how to find, excite, and create incredible pleasure from your own or your partner's G-Spot. It's chock full of frank, accurate, detailed, up-to-date information and 49 graphic color photos and charts about male sexual anatomy.

Download it instantly here:

Featured Article: "Are Your Dates Full-Service-Do You Play Full Out Or Still Hold Back?"

Another Hard Look At How Sex Positive You Really Are

In my last article and on our new blog I've been discussing what it means to be sex positive and how your real attitudes and false programming reveal themselves in your language.

I guess we could agree that talking dirty can be vulgar, profane, titillating, or a real turn-on depending on when and how you use it. Let's up the ante a bit and talk about some even more button-pushing situations so you can see where you're really at underneath.

Ready To Test Your Sex Positive Attitude?
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Now there’s a good way to really test how sex-positive your attitude is. How would you feel about your son marrying a gay man?

I always thought I was pretty accepting of everything sexual until I saw gay sex for the first time in person. After many, many heterosexual Tantric sex parties, two guys (who I could have sworn were straight) proceeded to enjoy anal intercourse amidst all the rest of us who were playing more conventionally with vajras and yonis. At first many of us open-minded supposedly sex-positive evolved people were shocked. I even leered and gulped at first. (No, not that kind of gulping, at least not back then.)

But when I recognized how close they were emotionally and how much fun they were having together, I had to look hard and deep inside about my beliefs. After a lot of soul-searching and fantasizing, I decided it was very courageous of these obviously openly bisexual men to be so free in front of so many straight people. Gradually the idea became a turn on. It wasn’t too many months later that I tried the same thing in front of some friends at a party within a sacred Tantric ritual. Me and my male friend were thoroughly honored by those in attendance, plus we had a great time.

I’m telling you this because, though I still prefer women, I really learned so much more about myself by practicing what I was preaching about sexual freedom and openness by walking on the wild side than just theorizing about it.

Now whether you’re interested in gay sex or not, let me ask you how that story made you feel. What came up may be a good indication of how sex positive or negative your values really are. Even better, though, would you be willing to try something for yourself that’s way on the edge of your comfort zone to find out?

Interestingly enough, as taboo as the whole concept of anal sex is in polite company, it's much more common than you might realize. One recent study even showed 50% of married couples have tried back-door sex. That's part of the reason I wrote my "Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm Ebook" to help awaken this too-often ignored doorway to amazing sexual pleasure. If you download your own copy, you'll find much of the sensitive process of getting comfortable and staying hygienic applies to anal play with females as well.
We'd love to see your comments on our blog about anal play for both men and women.

Do You Swallow?
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Supreme Bliss Tantra doesn’t advocate that everyone must be bisexually promiscuous or any other way. No, instead we suggest you should be wiling to try anything consciously and intentionally that you’re curious about, intrigued by, or fantasize about.

Tantric experimentation doesn’t mean to get so stoned you can’t remember a thing. On the contrary it means to create a safe space to explore with conscious and maybe trained friends. Let your reactions determine whether you really dig it, if it’s a growth area for you, or if it’s just something that really doesn’t appeal to you. Any way you choose consciously is a healthy outcome.

That reminds me of my first Swedish girlfriend (before I fell in love with my first wife who was also Swedish but didn’t fuck around at parties). We had a really hot, uninhibited sexual relationship largely because she was so free and willing to try anything. Meaning she was lots more sex-positive at the time than me. She taught me a lot about what to do to please a woman.

But she was the only woman I’ve ever been with who wouldn’t swallow after sucking me off. She was so cool otherwise I just accepted it. What do you think about that?

Are Your Dates Full Service?
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Now here are a few more quickies to pique your self-introspection about sex positiveness. What do you think about prostitutes? It may be the oldest profession in the world but do you approve? Today, the politically correct term is “sex worker” which may demonstrate that some of us are moving forward, instead of calling them hookers or putting them down as whores. In my extensive Tantric travels, I’ve known and even trained quite a few female sex workers. On the whole I’ve found them sweet and genuinely eager to please.

I do have to admit to some regret that I’ve never paid for it myself. Just like to try it for the experience. Have you? Would you like to? How does that fantasy make you feel? How would you feel if your significant other hooked up with a pro and then told you all about it?

You know, friends in that line of work tell us that “full-service” sessions are rare these days. That's another of those politically-correct euphemisms, in this case referring to intercourse. That's probably the result of the frightening spread of life-threatening sexually transmitted diseases. Fortunately, most modern sex workers specialize in giving oral sex to men whose wives wouldn’t think of going down on them.

Now there’s a controversial question for you. Do you think blow-jobs in situations like this are a decent public service to be celebrated or something either should be ashamed of?

Don't Forget To Relax That One Big Hard Muscle
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When I was in my early twenties, I used to hang out with a very hip group of people who used to think of themselves as highly evolved. I remember one of the women explaining at a group dinner how she handled her male massage clients with erections. She calmly explained that her aim was to relax them, so how could she ignore that one very tense muscle. I still remember how aghast some of the other diners were when she matter-of-factly described jerking guys off in a towel near the end of her session.

I was super titillated but back then I was too chicken to ask her for a massage. Now I would see it as my duty to you, my loyal readers, to be able to report objectively. (Right, that was bull.)

Today, there’s a whole profession in major metropolitan areas labelled Tantric Massage. We know quite a few women in this line of work, some of whom are probably just giving hand jobs, too. Do you think that’s OK? In many cases we do.

But the majority of the Tantric Goddesses that we know are creating a sacred experience for horny men that teaches them how to honor the Goddess in every woman and give sacred pleasure. Some are doing hands-on teaching for guys to overcome premature ejaculation to increase their sexual stamina. Some demonstrate how to really pleasure a woman. Don’t you think that’s a good thing both for him and his lovers?

I find that sacred rituals for both men and women can be super healing and a wonderful introduction to the vast power of sexual energy through Supreme Bliss Tantra. I really enjoy offering this kind of Spiritual BodyWork here as part of the Tantric Goddess Awakening Journey.

Do you agree with my ratings of different situations? We’d love to read your comments on our new blog page here . Until next time, I remain your ex-horny but sexually-liberated Supreme Bliss Tantra mentor…


Tantric Quote: "Perfunctory Coitus"

"Married love is a creative enterprise . . . Perfunctory coitus is a confession of lack of intelligence and character." -- Alexis Carrel

Juicy Joke: "Twelve Of The Finest Bloopers Aired On British TV - Part 2"

7. A female news anchor whom, the day after it
was supposed to have snowed and did not,
turned to the weatherman and asked:

"So Bob, where is that eight inches you promised
me last night?" Not only did HE have to leave the
set, but half the crew did too, because they were
laughing so hard!

8. Steve Ryder covering the US Masters:

"Ballesteros felt much better today after getting
a 69 yesterday."

9. Clair Frisby talking about a jumbo hot dog
on Look North said:

"There is nothing like a big hot sausage inside
you on a cold night like this."

10. Mike Hallett discussing missed snooker
shots on Sky Sports:

"Stephen Hendry jumps on Steve Davis's
misses every chance he gets."

11. Michael Buerk on watching Phillipa Forrester
cuddle up to a male astronomer for warmth during
BBC1's UK eclipse coverage remarked:

"They seem cold out there. They are rubbing each
other and he has only come in his shorts."

12. Ken Brown commentating on golfer Nick Faldo
and his caddie Fanny Sunneson lining-up shots
at the Scottish Open:

"Some weeks Nick likes to use Fanny, other weeks
he prefers to do it by himself."

(ED: "Fanny" is the British euphemism for vagina.)

Save $45 On Our Tantric Sex Ebooks

It's amazing how much we've all learned in past 10 years about
the body, sex, lovemaking. Yes, the answers are out there.
Unfortunately, in our repressed society information about sexual
education, communication, and pleasure is suppressed and
repressed. That's part of our Supreme Bliss Tantra mission, to
help you learn all you can about your orgasmic triggers, releasing
blockages, extending lovemaking, using all parts of your body,
enjoying fantasies, and getting all you've ever dreamed of out of

Save $45 when you buy all six of our Tantric ebooks together...

Supreme Bliss Tantra Guide To The Ecstasy Of Spiritual Sex: How To Use The Erotic Power of Sexual Energy To Merge Intimacy, Love, & Spirit

Ultimate Premature Ejaculation Mastery: The Ecstatic Solution To Unlimited Sexual Stamina

Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculation: Awakening Her Sacred Gate To Supreme Bliss

Tantric Male Multiple G-Spot Orgasm: Awakening His Sacred Gate To Supreme Bliss

Hotter Sex, Deeper Love: A Couples Guide To Ultimate Intimacy For The New Millennium

Tantric Sex Life: How To Use Sacred Sexuality For Ecstatic Pleasure, Tantric Orgasm, & Personal Transformation

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Dream juicy, colorful, steamy erotic thoughts as you peruse our Tantric Erotic Gallery full of free sexy pictures and hot sex pics here by yourself (we hope with your head in the clouds and your hand in your pants) or with your favorite honey as foreplay before whoever comes naturally.

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Supreme Bliss Tantra

Supreme Bliss is the zenith of sexual ecstasy which transforms
orgasmic energy into expanded consciousness.

Supreme Bliss Tantra is the modern system of personal
transformation based on the ancient Eastern spiritual path
which uses sexual energy practices to...
deepen love and intimacy,
extend lovemaking, and
create continuous full-body mind-altering Tantric Orgasms.

By opening your senses of the present moment, embracing all of
life and all of your being, and focusing on pleasure as a divine
gift, Supreme Bliss Tantra...
heals your mind, body, and spirit,
connects you passionately with your deeper self and your
beloved, and
immerses you deeply into the untold joys of sacred sexuality to
reach cosmic peaks of pleasure to make life an ecstatic
journey in total communion with all that is.

Summary Stuff

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Somraj Pokras & Jeffre TallTrees
11200 Donner Pass Road #146, Truckee, CA 96161

Our motto: "Deeper Into The Heart Of Sex"

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The information contained in this document represents the
current view of Tantra At Tahoe on the issues discussed as of the
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your conscious use will improve your sexual life. If you have a
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