Our Tantric Sex Assess is a private telephone conversation with us where we show you how to make your sex life a total success. If you're a business person, you might call it an introductory assessment and strategic planning session.
In this personalized one-hour interview, we'll first explore, understand, and assess...
how fulfilling your sex life is today,
your desires from the perspective of Tantra, Kama Sutra, and sacred sexuality,
your situation from the view point of modern sex therapy,
in short, where you're coming from, and where you want to go.
Next, with our extensive experience in Tantra and modern sexology, we'll help you analyze your love channels, intimacy dynamics, and sexual energy situation. We'll share some proven advice about how you can best incorporate the art of ecstasy into your love life and intimate relationships.
Finally, we'll recommend a program of study, practice, coaching, and training to get you to your Tantric destination as soon as possible