Female Orgasm, What’s A Trained Man Got To Do With It?

We just got back from a weekend sex party with two of our best friends.

As much as we all love heartfelt spiritual sex, it became clear that even multiply orgasmic women have limits. It takes a lot of sexual energy to maintain a high level of passion over the course of multiple rounds of lovemaking for two days.

Men who have ejaculatory orgasms are even more limited. You drain more than your family jewels when you come too early in what I guess some might call an orgy. We call it a sacred family journey.

To have this much fun for so long we do the Tantric thing of focusing on higher and higher levels of pleasure without pushing for orgasm. We all experienced many of the 12 types of orgasms you can read about and learn to practice in our new ebook Long Hot Tantric Love Making.

But most of them were Tantric energy orgasms. These are crescendos of sensation that make us shiver, shake, and scream without the depleting play-ending explosions.

Women who enjoy these marathons more easily shift their perspective from instant gratification to extended ecstasy. More easily than the average male lover. Females we know who enjoy these kinds of lengthy sessions depend on what they call a “trained man.

That’s a male lover who is the master of his own orgasms as well as a devoted servant of their partner’s pathways to climax. Certainly trained men learn to overcome premature ejaculation. But more importantly, that advanced degree denotes that the man can tune into what his partner wants and needs at each moment.

Though I’m blessed to be a trained man, I’m more grateful to my beloved and other Tantric women who’ve educated me and guided me to help them reach such intense heights of turn-on for so long.

Towards the end of our party I noticed that we were all hovering on the edge of big explosions again and again. That started me ruminating about who was really in charge of my partner’s orgasms. Was it something I needed to do or something they did consciously? During a break I was inspired to ask “It’s not really up to me if you come, is it?”

After some chatting and reflection each woman gave a resounding “Yes, that’s right, I was near the edge over and over all night. But I had to decide when I was ready and then make myself leap off the cliff myself.”

Undoubtedly female orgasms are many times more complex than male ones. There are so many things that have to work right for her and so many things he needs to do. Otherwise he can really screw up her chances of coming big time.

That’s why most women need a trained man to assist them in exploding in a blaze of glory when making love with a partner.

To learn about all the factors, we’ve written a special report entitled “How Women Can Orgasm More Easily.” You can get it for FREE here when you register for our monthly Sacred Sexual Secrets newsletter.



Love, Somraj

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